10 MORE Strange Times Wrestlers Appeared In Commercials
6. Jesse Ventura Sells Soup

It's no wonder the economy roared with success in the 1980s, because it was as easy as pie getting the consumer to buy things. The growth was all a work, as it transpired, so it was almost fitting that the workers of the boom period were all over the place.
In an ad for Chunky Soup - which is effectively stew, but was marketed as a versatile soup one could eat with a fork or a spoon, much like a f*cking stew - Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff wrestled over their favourite eating utensil. Jesse Ventura calls the action, and in the most '80s b*llocks ever, shouts "Let's find out who rules, haha!"
It was as easy as that: just have the celebrity talk some radical teen lingo. It's a wonder he didn't then describe the product, whether one eats it with a fork or a spoon, as "awesome!"
Which of course he does, since this is a commercial spot from the 1980s.
One of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could have written the copy for this sh*te.