10 More Wrestlers Who Perfected A Finisher On Its Owner

1. Logan Paul Hits One Lucky Superman Punch

Logan Paul

Once again showing a level of proficiency in-between the ropes a performer only three matches in simply has no right to possess, Logan Paul turned the often uncomfortable WWE Saudi PLE arena into his own personal Internet-breaking playground at Crown Jewel.

The headlines - the positive ones, at least - were inevitably stolen by the YouTuber's audacious selfie splash through the announce table, and his decision to execute a Buckshot Lariat that a certain Best in the World probably won't be in a rush to replay. But it was Paul's sensational Superman Punch on The Tribal Chief that ranked as arguably his most outrageous beat in the Undisputed Universal Championship chaos.

After coming up short with an out-of-this-world attempt to land Roman Reigns' signature thump on the man himself from the top-rope, Paul only went and actually dropped The Head of the Table with the One Lucky Punch he'd been alluding to for weeks later on. The fact said shot came in the form of a Superman variety was about as inspired as it was masterfully executed.

And Logan managing to make a move that has become something of a transitional signature for Reigns over the years feel capable of genuinely knocking off the most dominant star in the industry tells you all you need to know about how damn effective this piece of business genuinely was on the night.

Marvellous work.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...