10 More Wrestlers Who Perfected A Finisher On Its Owner

4. Edge Stomps Out Seth Rollins

Logan Paul

Not for the last time on this list, the controversial Saudi WWE setting plays host to a finisher being taking to new heights against its owner.

Kicking off last year's Crown Jewel event with an almighty Hell in a Cell bang, Edge and Seth Rollins carved out the final chapter of their stellar rivalry with one of the finest iterations of the over-used stipulation in modern times.

And closing out the bitter programme with one hell of an exclamation point, The Rated R Superstar decided that there was only one way to truly stomp out his devious adversary once and for all: by literally doing so.

But the WWE Hall of Famer didn't just want to dish out the embarrassment via simply pulverising Rollins with his trademark Stomp in the middle of the hellacious structure. Edge took things to the extreme. And in doing so he forged a version of the signature that Seth himself would likely be proud of.

Laying out the former WWE Champion on top of a steel chair, Edge showed just how far he was willing to go to vanquish this perennial pain in the ass. And it was this act of undiluted malice that arguably planted the seeds for Edge's eventual highly successful and not at all dreadful heel turn a few months down the line.

At least the steel Stomp was perfectly executed, though.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...