10 More Wrestling Moves Wrestlers Refused To Take

2. Booker T - Back Drop

AEW Full Gear 2022 Saraya

Another star who decided enough was enough when it came to landing on his back, Booker T ultimately felt it was time to leave his days of back-dropping behind once he passed the age of 30.

The five-time WCW World Champion also ended up dealing with his fair share of back issues over the course of his storied run in-between the ropes. And things would actually get so bad for the Harlem Heat star at one point that he'd confess to often being "crooked" and "walking around literally like sideways" for three days on the back of sudden lower back spasms.

It was this consistent painful reality that eventually led to the moment when Book opted to kiss goodbye to back drops altogether once he reached the big 3-0, as he'd reveal during his Hall of Fame podcast recently (via TJR Wrestling).

Thankfully, this call meant that Booker T was able to stick around long enough to make one hell of an impact on the WCW and eventually WWE stage later down the road. And hopefully that back is in a far better condition now it's safely planted on an NXT announcers chair instead of being routinely smashed into the ground from up high.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...