10 Most Absurdly Mismatched Gimmicks In WWE
2. Giant González Was Not A Monster Either

Bray Wyatt may be difficult to take seriously as a monster, but he’s got nothing on the late Jorge González, aka El Gigante, aka Giant González, one of several men with acromegaly - the adult version of pituitary gigantism - who managed to parlay their immense size into a career in pro wrestling.
Supposedly seven foot seven inches tall, González was billed as an eight footer - but even at his legit height, he should have been an imposingly monstrous presence. So what went wrong?
Well firstly, while Andre and Big Show were hefty bear-like men, and Khali was a hugely muscled beast, González had an ordinary physique. The WWF dressed him in a furry bodysuit with the muscles airbrushed on. Photographed without markers of scale to demonstrate his true size, he could have been anyone.
Secondly, González was an awful wrestler, grasping little of the craft and none of the art. He gurned and grimaced for the crowd, but couldn’t really perform at all. Watching him interact with other wrestlers was like watching kids climbing a haunted tree.
So there you have it: a very tall, slow man going “rarrr” and making Scooby-Doo-monster shapes with his hands. There have been garden gnomes more menacing.