10 Most Anti-Climactic WWE Moments Of 2017

2. Kurt's Secret

Kurt Angle Jason Jordan Raw 2017

Fans were engrossed for weeks by those clips of Kurt Angle speaking on the phone to a mystery someone backstage - so much so that pretty much every possible storyline direction had been mooted as a possibility online ahead of the actual reveal.

Unless they had something really crazy up their sleeve, WWE stood very little chance of shocking us, and sure enough: they didn't. Jason Jordan getting outed as the Raw GM's long-lost, illegitimate son was, in fact, among the very earliest predictions.

That, combined with the still-fresh memories of how disappointing the Hornswoggle stuff a decade earlier ended up being, probably explains why the reaction to Jordan coming down to the ring and hugging his dad was so decidedly lukewarm.

You just expect the brains behind Monday Night Raw to show a little more imagination than a bunch of fans on Twitter, that's all. The fact that they didn't kind of ruins the illusion (whilst also giving us hope that a spot on Vince McMahon's boardroom isn't totally out of reach).
