10 Most Anticipated (Unlikely But Not Impossible) Wrestling Matches Of 2018

8. Kevin Owens vs. Brock Lesnar

brock lesnar kevin owens raw

This was a match tossed around a few years ago as one WWE would surely present at some point between 2016-2017. Back then, Brock Lesnar was starting to branch out and face new opponents, and Kevin Owens was rising as a top heel perfectly poised to be eaten alive by Brock. Then, they fed him to Goldberg instead.

Through his own skill and connection to the fans, Owens was able to survive the Goldberg scare and now has a new lease of life with Sami Zayn in his corner. That numbers disadvantage is something Lesnar works well against, so it may be time to bring back Kevin's 'Prize Fighter' gimmick and to pull the trigger on KO vs. The Beast before the end of 2018.

Verbal jousting between Owens and Paul Heyman would be a thing of beauty, but there's just one thing standing in WWE's way: neither man is on the same brand. That could be rectified easily by moving KO back to Raw (or dare we say it, Brock to SmackDown).


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.