10 Most Anticipated (Unlikely But Not Impossible) Wrestling Matches Of 2018

6. Triple H vs. The Rock

Triple H The Rock

Assuming WWE wants to sit on a match with Roman Reigns a little longer, there's always that grand finale between The Rock and Triple H. Just like Ronda Rousey vs. Stephanie McMahon, this was one heavily hinted at during WrestleMania 31 almost three years ago now. Better make it happen soon, WWE.

Rock and Trips had some epic wars in their prime. Matches like those at SummerSlam 1998, Judgment Day 2000 and beyond live long in the memory. It wouldn't be hard for WWE's production crew to whip up some hype videos looking at the history between both. Then, put them in a ring and let old rivals settle the score.

Rumours of real-life animosity between Rocky and Triple H only further feed the drama. So, if you're reading this, creative team, just ignore that Hunter vs. Shane McMahon match for the time being, and give everyone a little Attitude Era treat to pad out the new year.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.