10 Most Awesome Wrestling Moves Of 2015 (So Far)

6. Kazarian's Springboard DDT On Cedric Alexander

The DDT is one of the most common moves on the independent pro wrestling scene, because it's relatively safe to perform (or as safe as any pro wrestling move can be) and looks fantastic. A Springboard DDT is something else entirely however, because it relies on a keen sense of timing that a lot of wrestlers take years to master. Arguably, it's the person taking the move that has most responsibility, because they are tasked with flipping at the right moment and making the move look like a million bucks. During a Ring Of Honor television taping in January, that's exactly what the talented Cedric Alexander did during a one-on-one match against former TNA star Frankie Kazarian. The more-experienced Kazarian sets up the move brilliantly with his leap from the ring-apron back inside the ring, but just check Alexander's positioning, it's bang on the money. Better yet, the subsequent flip out of the move and selling is sheer dynamite. Seemingly landing square on his head, Alexander then flips over onto his feet, all before losing his balance once again and dropping to the mat. Shortly after the move's completion, the crowd show their appreciation, realising that they've just witnessed an awesome display of talent.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.