10 Most Believable WWE Finishers Right Now

9. Woman's Right (Lacey Evans)

Lacey Evans Natalya Women's Right

Sometimes, you just can't beat a good old fashioned right hook.

Lacey Evans has mastered the art of throwing her weight behind a punch but pulling it at the last second. In many ways, she uses the same technique Bálor does (although it's still freaky that Finn can defy the laws of gravity), and it's impressive. Slow motion replays reveal that she definitely does make contact.

Big Show almost snagged this slot, but he's barely around these days. Besides, it's nice to give Evans some credit for her ring skills - it'll p*ss off the social media haters, if nothing else. For all their bold claims about how she "can't work", they wouldn't like to get in the way of Lacey's fist.

The 'Woman's Right' is superbly done every time. All this requires from anyone taking the sucker punch is a good sell job. That's not much to ask for when Evans has managed to avoid caving in their face, is it? No lost teeth here, but maybe some loose ones.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.