10 Most BRUTAL Looking Finishers In Wrestling Today

2. Will Ospreay - Hidden Blade

Will Ospreay Hidden Blade

As divisive a figure as they get, Will Ospreay’s in-ring arsenal is sublime nonetheless.

Even beyond his flips and dives, the Stormbreaker is an insane display of professional wrestling in itself, while his old Essex Destroyer front-flip DDT, while equally as insane, is a tad more brutal. It’s a short, snappy flipping DDT. A broken neck would be a genuine possibility.

But nothing compares to this.

See above: during Ospreay and Kota Ibushi’s insane NEVER Openweight Title clash at New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s Wrestle Kingdom 13, Ibushi is very nearly decapitated after receiving a nausea-inducing elbow to the rear of the head. Will Ospreay had hit him with the Hidden Blade, a putrid move so devastatingly gorgeous, you forget about the actual danger that accompanies it.

Look at the way Ospreay strikes Ibushi’s skull. He does so with such viciousness that Kota doesn’t even sell the move in a way. He falls to a heap. It is the only appropriate way to sell such a gritty strike. Christ, New Japan isn’t a sports entertainment company. Its wrestlers shouldn’t be selling such strikes by aimlessly waving their bodies around, almost drunkenly.

They get hit hard, they fall harder.

As corny as that sounds, it is a fact.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.