10 Most BRUTAL Looking Finishers In Wrestling Today

3. Cedric Alexander - Lumbar Check

Will Ospreay Hidden Blade

The term backbreaker is largely a lie. You’re never going to actually break your back from Carlito drilling his knees into your spine. It is simply a neat phrase for announcers to use to emphasise the potential danger of taking such a move.

The Lumbar Check, however, could believably break a back or two.

Cedric Alexander, the innovator of the move, rose to prominence on the independent circuit through his use of it. It blew your mind the first time you saw it. Being lifted in the back suplex position and proceeding to drop rapidly spine-first into two stiff knees, the Lumbar Check is unquestionably the epitome of an indie wrestling finisher. It’s cool and awesome.

Alexander’s knees don’t bend upon the opponent’s back crashing across them. He keeps them straight throughout, ensuring full impact is met each time.

Similar to the Paradigm Shift, everyone sells it differently, each more daring and ambitious than the last recipient. The Brian Kendrick often spins mid-air in various angles, while Tony Nese will bounce straight into the air. Lio Rush, in perhaps the most daring sell, used to fly across the ring. He made many, your writer included, believe in the legitimacy of the Lumbar Check as a killer finish.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.