10 Most Confusing WWE Castoffs That TNA Signed
5. Orlando Jordan
What did TNA see in Orlando Jordan that WWE didn’t? Who was the mastermind in Total Nonstop Action that saw Jordan and thought he was vastly underutilized in WWE, and could be a breakout star if only given the chance? It’s hard to say for sure (though very likely Vince Russo), but for anyone who actually saw his prior work, they had to question that decision.
Jordan just wasn’t good in WWE. This isn’t trying to rip him apart, as he wasn’t terrible at anything, he just simply wasn’t “good” at anything. His promos were bland, his in-ring work was blander and he didn’t have much charisma. However, he had WWE exposure, which meant he was worth bringing in apparently, and he was immediately put over Samoa Joe in his first match in.
Jordan went on to become a quite outlandish character. While it’s noble of TNA to want to push an openly bi-sexual wrestler, they didn’t treat him as anything serious, and basically made him an offensive stereotype.
If their plan was to make him an interesting Goldust-like act, they failed. If they meant to push him as a serious bi-sexual wrestler who could still bring it in the ring, they also failed. If their plan was to bring him in and have their investment pay off in any form, they failed big time.