10 Most Controversial Randy Orton WWE Behind The Scenes Stories
1. Orton: A Bag Of Sh*t

Probably the most infamous backstage tale of Randy Orton's bad behaviour is the only one seems to be, ironically enough, mostly bulls*hit.
Apocryphally, Orton followed in the great tradition of Sean Waltman and no doubt countless other dreadful defecations in the name of 'top bantz' by dropping one outta' nowhere in WWE Diva Rochelle Loewen's luggage. Though the former Glamour model didn't hide her contempt for The Viper, she rejected such accusations:
"It was merely self-tanning lotion and baby oil, but I wouldn't put it past him to sh*t in my bag."
In other words, he didn't do it - but he absolutely would. Loewen claimed that Orton harboured a grudge against her, and that he lashed out due to unrequited attraction.
The story is almost certainly conflated with that of Amy Weber, another of WWE's female employees whose handbag Orton allegedly soiled. Whether he actually went into business for himself we can't be sure, but the fact it's a realistic possibility is telling.