10 Most Controversial Storylines Of WWE's PG Era

8. The Humiliation Of Vickie Guerrero (2007-15)

Randy Orton Triple H Stephanie McMahon 2009.jpg

One of the most uncomfortable ongoing storylines of the PG Era was the continued humiliation and degradation suffered by Vickie Guerrero, courtesy of the company that had "done her a favor" by employing her after the sudden death of husband Eddie.

Guerrero was an extraordinary heel, someone able to generate more heat than half of the roster could ever imagine, let alone elicit. She was one of the most consistently hated villains on Raw or SmackDown and an example of breakout star who came from nowhere.

As a lead heel, it is understood that she would have to take her comeuppance on occasion. After all, that is how storytelling works. But the indignities suffered by Guerrero stank of nastiness and meanness on the part of WWE management.

She was regularly referred to as a pig, had her weight made fun of and was openly made to look like a fool rather than a strong and independent woman. She was the subject of a handful of romantic storylines that seemed aimed more at asking "why would anyone..." than anything else.

Whether she was entered into a Hog Pen match and forced to crawl around in pig excrement or stripped to her underwear while Jerry Lawler howled about their size, Vickie was treated with the exact opposite of the respect that one would have expected and hoped.

Even on her last night with the company, she was tossed into a pool of chocolate pudding and forced to take her final bow while covered in the substance.

She never let the negativity affect her, at least on the surface. Guerrero continued to entertain fans and serve as one of the most over characters on the entire show, proving she was above the childlike behaviour of her superiors.


Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.