10 Most Controversial Storylines Of WWE's PG Era

4. Matt Hardy: Arsonist And Attempted Murderer (2009)

Randy Orton Triple H Stephanie McMahon 2009.jpg

One of the most controversial stories of the PG Era was also one of its most bizarre.

Jeff Hardy ended 2008 on a career high, the WWE champion and most popular Superstar in the sport. Everyone from his fans to his peers were excited for him, the main event run he worked so hard for finally his. Everyone, that is, except for brother Matt.

At the 2009 Royal Rumble, he betrayed his brother with sickening chair shot.

Weeks of incidents, including a hit-and-run and a pyro mishap, threatened the well-being of Jeff. After the events of the Rumble, it was revealed that it was his own sibling who set those "accidents" in motion.

That may have been a bit harsh but the most controversial moment of the feud came when Matt implied that he was behind the very real house fire that cost Jeff his home and his beloved dog, Jack.

Sure, it provided the feud with a personal edge but not any more than Matt's self-admitted jealousy would have. There was no need to take the program in that direction, essentially painting Matt as an attempted murderer.

It also made no sense, especially considering legal charges would be brought against him in that case. With an admission of guilt for the world to see, he would be sitting in a cell somewhere.

But I digress...

The program was needlessly controversial and did nothing to help Matt's standing in the company or increase Jeff's popularity, rendering it useless.


Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.