10 Most Controversial WWE Royal Rumble Moments Ever

6. The Rock Vs. Mankind - 1999

In the midst of the Attitude Era, when Vince McMahon first made his reputation as the most despicable man on the planet, with the best walk and arms far bigger than any older gentleman should ever have, the tail end of 1998 and beginning of 1999 saw him turning on Mankind and endorsing The Rock, instead. After The Rock won the vacant WWE Title by beating Mankind and being backed by the McMahon's Corporation, the two men entered into a bitter feud. Mrs Foley's baby boy did realise his dream, despite the nefarious tactics of the boss and the Great One, winning the belt on the first Raw of 1999. A rematch was made for the Royal Rumble, with the two squaring off in an I Quit match. That match went on to be the sort of incredibly violent, reckless match Foley was famous for. It's particularly noteworthy for The Rock handcuffing Foley and repeatedly giving him incredibly hard chair shots to the head over and over again. The contest came to an end with a screwy finish when The Rock stuck a microphone in the downed Mankind's face and a recording of him saying "I quit" played. Although the finish was controversial in itself, the chair shots were next-level. That would never happen in WWE today, and rightfully so. Foley wrote in his first book Have A Nice Day about how he was unhappy with The Rock for hitting him so hard, while the match is also profiled in the documentary Beyond The Mat, which caused some major PR headaches for the company, not least because of the footage of Foley's wife and young children sitting in the front row and crying as their father was repeatedly struck with the steel.

Music, wrestling and comic book nerd.