10 Most Controversial WWE Royal Rumble Moments Ever

7. Maven Eliminates The Undertaker - 2002

There have been plenty of shocking Royal Rumble eliminations over the years, and in many ways it's that unpredictability that makes it one of the true highlights of every wrestling fan's calendar. While there have been several, perhaps the most jaw-dropping elimination occurred in 2002. First ever Tough Enough winner Maven marked his Rumble debut by eliminating The Undertaker. Yep, The Undertaker. It was a moment that stunned everyone, most of all Maven himself who couldn't believe what had just happened. Not only is the idea of this incredibly green rookie eliminating one of the greatest wrestlers of all-the time bonkers in itself, but The Undertaker was just a couple of months into a heel run and was on a role of badassery. This all went down durning the years when 'Taker was more motorbike enthusiast than Deadman. He was working as a fearsome heel and by constantly referring to the ring as his 'yard', he cut a figure of a terrifying biker neighbour who you wouldn't dare ask for your ball back from if you kicked it over his fence. Essentially, Maven eliminating The Undertaker at this time would be like if Josh (you know, Tough Enough 2015 winner, seems to think he's a yeti) showed up this year and eliminated Brock Lesnar. In a word, it would be stupid. And incredible controversial. Maven didn't have much time to celebrate as 'Taker spent the rest of the evening dragging him around the arena and giving him a severe beating. This moment has gone onto be something fans just shake their heads at.

Music, wrestling and comic book nerd.