10 Most CRINGE Things Wrestling Fans Always Say
9. "Company X Sucks, Company Y Better!"

If you ever want to see wrestling fans at their worst, proclaim your fandom for a wrestling promotion on social media. Within seconds, you will on the receiving end of a seething, scathing statement criticizing your taste in wrestling, your life choices, your intellect, your fashion sense and your favourite breakfast cereal. (Crunchy Nut all the way, baby).
This type of tribalism isn't the sole domain of wrestling fandom by any means - comic book fans have Marvel vs. DC, gamers have their Console Wars - but that's still no excuse for it. If you genuinely prefer WWE to AEW, or vice-versa, great! Like what you like, and have the decency to let others do the same.
Wrestling is in rude health right now, with more alternatives than there have been in a long time. Outside of the WWE/AEW bubble, NJPW is still home to some of the best wrestlers on Earth, Stardom continues to shine as the best women's promotion on the planet, and Impact has put on some utterly brutal wars recently. (You'd need to be stonier than one of Doctor Who's Weeping Angels to make it through Maclin vs. Shelley without wincing).
Point is, there's something for everyone out there. Find what you like, love it, celebrate it, and revel in the fact that only the most sour-faced of wrestling fans aren't eating good right now.