10 Most CRINGE Things Wrestling Fans Always Say

8. "You're Not A REAL Wrestling Fan!"

10 Most CRINGE Things Wrestling Fans Always Say

Speaking of sour-faced wrestling fans...

Scot Hall once described his role in the WWE as being the company's equivalent of a gatekeeper. Essentially, that meant he was used to judge potential main-eventers. A wrestler who could work well with Hall was allowed to pass through to the upper card, while those who couldn't were barred entry.

In an ideal world, that would be the only type of gatekeeper in wrestling. Sadly, in this world fans have to deal with the ????? type of gatekeeper - the one who exists purely to tell everyone what does and doesn't construe a True Wrestling Fan.

This really ties into the points made in the past couple of entries. People who want wrestling to cater to their blinkered views, or those who think their promotion of choice promotes The One True Way of Wrestling, are quick to decry those who disagree with them.

Which is, frankly, bloody nonsense.

Wrestling encompasses so many things - drama, humour, athleticism, family-friendly entertainment, family-unfriendly entertainment (shoutout to Jon Moxley) - that it's impossible to encapsulate everything that makes it great in one style or promotion. Saying someone isn't a fan of wrestling because they aren't into the same ???? of wrestling as you is just as daft as saying someone hates all TV just because they don't like your favourite show.

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.