10 Most DANGEROUS Wrestlers Ever

5. Rage-Filled Randy Orton (2009)

Randy Orton WWE 2009

WWE half-heartedly suggested that Randy Orton had anger management issues in 2009, but it made sense to anyone watching the weekly product. Orton was out of control. He salivated over the thought of punting others in the skull, and he psychologically tortured rivals by using family, friends and their own insecurities against them.

It was one hell of a run.

In '09, Randy's simple punt was regarded as wrestling's most dangerous move. After all, he was putting a foot right through someone's temple, and that could theoretically kill them. Selling that, Orton smiled the sickest of smiles as he pondered sending heads into the third row from the corner of the ring.

Randy tried to blow John Cena up with pyro, tied him to the ring post and smashed his ribs with a kendo stick until they were black and blue, cuffed Triple H and kissed an unconscious Stephanie McMahon in front of him, and did it all with a cold, calculating lack of remorse that was genuinely chilling.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.