10 Most Death-Defying Jeff Hardy Stunts

8. Superman Dive Through Table - WrestleMania XXV

Jeff Hardy WrestleMania XXV

Any true Jeff Hardy mark probably finds that just a small part of themselves dies whenever he goes head-to-head with his brother. There's something about it that doesn't sit quite right. Of course, it's a little easier to swallow when the brother-on-brother violence is buffered with moments that make you scream "HOLY SH*T!" at your television.

Matt and Jeff's Extreme Rules encounter at WrestleMania XXV - which is not the 25th Anniversary of the event, despite what WWE's mathematically flawed marketing may tell you - had an abundance of OMG moments that helped the match live up to its Extreme Rules label.

The steel stairs-assisted Poetry in Motion into the barricade. The Hardyac Arrest into Matt's trashcan-covered head. The Twist of Fate onto a steel chair. They were all great.

But none quite showcased Jeff's blend of creativity and recklessness as well as this spot. After brutalizing Matt's skull with a chair, he placed him onto a table outside the ring. But that wasn't enough. So he set up another table on top of Matt's lifeless body, stuck the chair on top of him for good measure, and then leapt face-first onto the monstrosity with his arms stretched out wide, as if his only thought was "Yippeeeeee!".

The wreckage isn't quite as bad as some of his other stunts, but you have to cringe when his face smacks the concrete.

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Jeff Hardy
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.