10 Most Devastating Kick Finishes In WWE History

9. Shinsuke Nakamura - Kinshasa

Shawn Michaels Sweet Chin Music Undertaker Royal Rumble 1998

There's no denying that Shinsuke Nakamura has fallen foul of the dreaded main roster call-up curse.

The Japanese star should have been one of the top stars in the business and looked to be getting his big push when he won the 2018 Royal Rumble. Big matches did follow, but his collection of matches with A.J. Styles failed to inspire.

What can't be denied with Nakamura though is the devastating impact of his Kinshasa finishing move.

Another which works better when built up thanks to the drama and buy-in Nakamura can get from the crowd, the Kinshasa is a truly devastating hit to the side of the head.

Certain finishing moves in WWE can be easily picked up on by fans as to how they are done safely.

The Kinshasa isn't one of those moves. It looks just as devastating every time you see it and is one of the few moves in WWE today to make you genuinely grimace when it's delivered.


Football, WWE, NBA, Pokemon, Star Wars, Breaking Bad. Father to two humans and one dog. At my most stressed when getting beat on NBA2K and blaming 'laggy internet' for all losses.