10 Most Disappointing Wrestling Ladder Matches Of All Time

8. Chris Benoit Vs. Jeff Jarrett - WCW Monday Nitro 1999

This is through no fault of the performers. Benoit and Jarrett had a balls-to-the-wall slobberknocker the night before at Starrcade, delivering some immensely entertaining spots and putting on a consistently great ladder match. (It could easily make the cut of the 10 greatest ladder matches of all time.) But then they were asked to do the exact same thing 24 hours later on an episode of Nitro. Obviously, exhausted from performing so much badassery the previous evening, this match relied solely on Jeff Jarrett's trickery. See, he'd rigged the rungs of the ladder before the match so that no one could climb them without the ladder breaking apart. Then, after a failed attempt by Benoit to climb it, Jarrett was waiting with his guitar. Snidely Whiplash would be proud. The main problem is that we, as an audience, mostly figured that the ladder was actually a piece of crap (this was WCW, after all) that had really broken, which made the whole thing look rather silly. Coupled with the horrendous timing of the guitar shot (Benoit visibly braces himself for it a good 5 seconds before it actually comes), and this short-but-definitely-not-sweet ladder match is a major disappointment.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.