10 Most Disappointing WWE Feuds Of The 2000s

6. Randy Orton Vs. Triple H - 2004/05

Randy Orton versus Triple H. Feels like we've seen this feud a hundred times already, but the two men have actually only had two high-profile singles feuds, both of which were huge disappointments. Both guys are great in the ring and have history together but they never seemed to click in the ring. Their first feud came in late 2004, when The Game kicked The Legend Killer out of Evolution the night after Orton's World Heavyweight Title triumph at SummerSlam. The next week, The Game demanded that Orton hand him the title in a thoroughly obnoxious segment. Orton responded by spitting in his face. The next couple of weeks saw Orton cost Triple H a match against Eugene and the remaining members of Evolution brutally beating Orton down after his cage match victory over Kane. This is all fine, in theory, but Orton was hard to sympathise with. As a face, he completely bombed in the role and his title run was DOA. Still, they had a match to get on with. At Unforgiven, Triple H pinned Orton after a dull match to win the World Heavyweight Title, ending his first World Heavyweight Title run after a month. Supposedly, Trips lobbied for the title change as he thought it made more sense to have a heel champion going into Taboo Tuesday in twelve days time (because he didn't think fans would want to vote for heel challengers, or something). Sure, Hunter. Of course that's the reason. They continued going with the feud and Orton's doomed face push before throwing in the towel after the 2005 Royal Rumble. Orton to the Cerebral Assassin and then turned heel in order to feud with The Undertaker.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...