10 Most Dramatic WWE Main Events Ever

6. Team WWF vs. Team Alliance (Survivor Series 2001)

By the Survivor Series 2001 Pay-Per-View, the WWF has greatly screwed up the WCW/ECW 'Invasion' storyline. That was evident by the fact that it was The Rock and 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin who contested the last minutes of the main event. Both were clearly more associated with the WWF than either WCW or ECW This was an indication of how messed up the overall angle was. That said, at least fans knew they were in for some excitement when Austin and The Rock faced off with one another. The whole hook was that Survivor Series would feature a main event team battle. To the winning side, the spoils, meaning the victor would effectively take over and vanquish the other promotion. 'Team WWF' consisted of The Rock, Chris Jericho, The Big Show, Kane and The Undertaker. On 'Team Alliance' were Steve Austin, Booker T, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam and Shane McMahon. Eventually, it would come down to Rock and Austin. A Rock Bottom would decide the outcome, and Vince McMahon's appearance on the ramp to celebrate felt dramatic.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.