10 Most Embarrassing WWE Botches Ever

3. Owen Hart Blows His Big Line

WWE Royal Rumble Roman Reigns Paul Heyman Handcuff Botch

Right, something needs said first and foremost: Owen Hart was one of the best to ever lace up a pair of boots. His athletic approach in-ring was phenomenal, and he could work with all shapes and sizes. The guy was one of the most giving workers in WWF/WWE history too.

Promo expert though? No, not quite.

In fact, Owen botched one of his biggest moments at the 1994 Royal Rumble. He'd literally just turned heel on brother Bret by kicking the back of his injured leg following a tag team loss, then appeared on the big screen to hammer home the point. Sadly, Owen messed it up and said, "That's why I kicked your leg outta your leg".

Anchor Todd Pettengill cringed, and Hart very visibly realised he'd made a mistake. His "selfish" rant had merit, but the key line was totally ruined by him stumbling over his words like some kid playing tough guy pro wrestler.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.