10 Most Epic Undertaker Returns Ever

2. Survivor Series 2005

Ever eager to better himself though, Undertaker took the casket gimmick to even greater heights at Survivor Series 2005. After Randy Orton had confined €˜Taker to a casket at No Mercy€”and set the structure on fire for good measure€”the Phenom was out for revenge. And he didn€™t have to wait long for it; just over a month later at the Survivor Series PPV, the bell toll interrupted Orton€™s victory celebration. The Gregorian chant sounded, the druids arrived, and with them the carried the iconographic casket that Orton had charred at No Mercy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lh8XS7y35b0 Another supposed €œlightning bolt€ then struck the upright casket, plunging it into flames. It was a symbolic nod to the events of the previous month, but this time things were different. The door flew off and within the vessel was, of course, the returning Undertaker. He entered the ring and ploughed his way through the entire SmackDown roster€”everyone apart from Orton, that is. It set up a Hell in a Cell match between the two, which was tainted by the Bob Orton€™s hepatitis diagnosis. This return, on the other hand, remains very much untarnished.

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