10 Most Epic Undertaker Returns Ever

3. Raw (Mar. 2, 1998)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvPpXVXiek8 But the Deadman was displaying his €œsupernaturalism€ long before 2006€”as we saw on a 1998 edition of Raw is War. After Kane had locked his half-brother in a casket, and set it alight for good measure, Undertaker was presumed dead (kayfabe). That all changed on the March 2nd showing of Raw, when both the casket and the Deadman returned to WWE programming. With Paul Bearer baiting someone to stand up to Kane, the bell tolled once more. Eventually the casket appeared on the stage, where it was struck by what J.R. dubbed a €œlightning bolt€. Clever camerawork then revealed that the Deadman was in fact laying atop the sarcophagus. Not only had €˜Taker returned to the WWE, he€™d also returned from the dead. In a kayfabe sense, of course. He proceeded to cut a booming promo€”walking through fire in the process€”and despite all the talk of €œeternal damnation€ and €œthe fires of hell€, it was a pretty awesome segment. Many view the Undertaker and Kane€™s first skirmish as the best of their many meetings, and this return is undeniably part of the reason for that.

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