10 Most Epic Undertaker Returns Ever

4. Royal Rumble 2006

As mentioned previously, Undertaker has always been known for his supposed supernaturalism. And at the 2006 Royal Rumble, those powers were well and truly on display as he returned to confront the World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle. The Phenom arrived in majestic fashion, atop a chariot being led by horses and flanked by his trademarks druids. The Roman columns of the Royal Rumble set only added to the grandiosity of the occasion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mn2Ck5uIJw But rather than hit the ring to clear house€”as he€™s done so often before€”€˜Taker remained at the top of the ramp and observed Angle from afar. Raising his arms to the heavens, a cluster of pyro promptly exploded€”first in the rafters, then in the ring€”before the ring itself collapsed. Now, of course, we know the Undertaker didn€™t do this himself€”we€™re not six years old anymore. But nonetheless it made for a spectacular moment and another memorable €˜Taker return. It seems that when the Phenom wants to be the champ, he makes sure that everyone knows about it.

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