10 Most Extreme WWE Risk Takers This Century

2. Rob Van Dam

How could there possibly be a list of extreme, risk taking wrestlers without the inclusion of Rob Van Dam? The ECW legend came perilously close to top spot, but him coming in at second doesn't alter the fact he was an outstandingly brave guy - and that made him loved all across the world. When you think of Extreme Championship Wrestling, you instantly think of Rob Van Dam - he personified the brand with his fearless approach to wrestling, which often included the use of props. Younger fans who perhaps don't believe Van Dam merits a place on this list should simply YouTube "Van Terminator" - that would tell you all you need to now about how extreme RVD is. Similar to Edge, Van Dam used the infamous ladder to his advantage on many occasions, delivering some awesome maneuvers from the top of the structure on several occasions throughout his career. The only negative to Van Dam's extremity is that, like Kofi Kingston before him, it has had a bit of a negative impact on the amount of championships he has won. Such a minimal amount of world title reigns is criminal for Rob Van Dam, and hopefully the WWE think he's worth one last push in the latter days of his career. He certainly deserves it.

Freelance sports journalist from Bradford, West Yorkshire. Specialize in primarily Rugby League and Football.