10 Most Extreme WWE Risk Takers This Century

8. Daniel Bryan

When you're ruled out of action for a lengthy period with a neck injury, it almost tells you all you need to know about how many risks that guy takes inside the ring. Heck, Edge was forced into retirement due to his constant neck problems - and there's a real worry that Daniel Bryan could go down the same route. Simply put, Bryan is sheer entertainment. A graduate of Ring of Honor (like CM Punk), Bryan has gradually developed into a top WWE star due to his ability in the squared circle - and boy is he exciting. Perhaps the thing that endears him to the fans more than anything is his willingness to leave it all out there just so the fans go home happy; whether it's launching himself over the top rope and onto the mat below, or simply running around the ring like a sheer madman. The big question is, will Bryan be the same when he returns to the WWE? A serious neck injury like his will obviously have an effect on his future career, and whether or not he will return as the same man. But to be honest, even if he doesn't come back as extreme as he was, he'll still have a big edge over most of the WWE roster.

Freelance sports journalist from Bradford, West Yorkshire. Specialize in primarily Rugby League and Football.