10 Most Fake Wrestling Weapons Ever

1. Tables

The Mountie wtf

If a hardcore match goes longer than about 30 seconds, then you guarantee that the venue will be filled with chants of "We want tables!" from the rabid fans watching on.

This is almost entirely the fault of ECW, who are to blame for most wrestling fans' bloodthirsty habits.

As good as it looks when a wrestler goes careening through one, wrestling tables are very different to the ones you eat your dinner off.

The tops are wafer thin. You can see this on the hilarious occasions when a wrestler goes through a table before a move is even hit - they really are that fragile.

Furthermore, they don't have a metal support beam running through the middle. The reason for this is obvious - that is not something you want jamming into you after a six foot drop.

Table spots can still go wrong, as that one segment on Botchamania proves, but in the end, who cares how real any of these weapons are?

Wrestling is all about suspending your disbelief, and we fans will continue to believe in a world of ladders, tasers, and green mist until the day we die.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.