10 Most Fake Wrestling Weapons Ever

2. Kendo Sticks

The Mountie wtf

Kendo is a Japanese martial art that roughly means "way of the sword" in English.

As you may have guessed, the primary focus of the sport is to wield a large bamboo sword called a shinai and use it against your opponent. Whilst a shinai is much softer than other variations of wooden swords, it's still about a million times deadlier than the wrestling version.

First popularised in the West by the likes of the Sandman, kendo sticks are now a staple of WWE hardcore matches. Sometimes called a Singapore cane, kendo sticks used in wrestling are heavily modified for safe use on bare flesh.

The wood they are made from is hollow, which helps, and the strands of bamboo used in the bundle have gaps between them. This not only softens the impact of blows, but also helps create that satisfying "whack!" sound whenever one makes contact with a wrestler.

Considering that kendo participants wear full-on body armour, it makes sense that WWE would want to make the weapons safer. If a wrestler ever made the transition to kendo, they'd be in for a nasty surprise.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.