10 Most Gothic Pro Wrestlers Ever

7. Mideon

Strangely evolving into a nudist character, the initial persona of Mideon was an interesting one. As part of The Undertaker's 'Ministry Of Darkness', the guy would even play a role in the Vince McMahon-led 'Corporate Ministry' angle of 1999, mainly being used as a henchmen. Previously, the man behind the gimmick, Dennis Knight, had played Phineas I. Godwinn at part of The Godwinns tag-team in the mid-90's, holding the WWF Tag-Team Titles on two separate occasions. That would prove to be the most successful period of Knight's career, and when holding the belts it's unlikely he could envision himself later playing a character who enjoyed entering arenas pretty much naked! There was always a fair amount of intrigue surrounding the original Mideon character, which was packaged as a soothsayer and given mannerisms more closely associated with Mick Foley's Mankind gimmick. It seemed as though Mideon enjoyed doing his master's bidding, putting his body on the line and appearing almost as a minion for The Undertaker's evil overlord nuances.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.