10 Most Heel Things John Cena Ever Did As A 'BabyFace'

Johnny...how COULD you?!

John Cena is the pastel-coloured mountain of the professional wrestling industry, a square-jawed colossus of Hustle, Loyalty, Respect, T-Shirts, Respect, Wristbands, Loyalty, T-Shirts, and Respect. He is a money-printer that AAs parents right in their merch-buying wallets, and he has tiny army of rainbow-coloured child soldiers, who shriek for him with a timbre and volume that could kill a bear. Cena cultivates fanatic loyalty amongst his body-hairless brigade of mewling youth because he's the ultimate goody-two-pumps, a boy scouts handbook made flesh, an America flag with legs and big arms. Everywhere he goes he inspires people to be the best them that they can be, using a relentless assault of platitudes and baseball caps. Of course, most adults hate him. WEN WIL JON SEENER BEE BAD GUYYYYY, they thumb into their keyboards with all the dexterity and attention span of a drunk pig. For nearly a full decade fans have been waiting for the John Cena heel turn, tiring of his do-gooder schitck. They look high, they look low, but what they haven't realised is that the John Cena heel turn has been right in front of them the whole time. Truth is, Cena has done dreadful things as a babyface; awful, unconscionable things that only WWE Creative could think are justified. He's proven time and again that he's no role model. If only the kids would notice.

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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.