10 Most Heel Things John Cena Ever Did As A 'BabyFace'

10. Whined And Complained After Pinning Himself

No one likes a sore loser, except for thousands of John Cena fans. They love one, apparently. Big Match John was wrestling Charles Montgomery Punk for his WWE title at Night of Champions in 2012 and the match ended with a somewhat screwy finish. Cena german suplexed Punk off the second turnbuckle and the referee counted the pin, 1-2-3. However, both men's shoulders were down, which is John Cena's fault because he didn't bridge properly, so the match ended in a draw, which means the title stayed with Punk. But Cena wasn't done, no sir. He took to his feet and started badgering the referee to reverse the decision or restart the match, despite neither of those things being what would happen at that point. He complained for ages, saying stuff like "you wanna end this on a draw?", "hey, can I get something" and, because the match was in Boston, "but my dad's here!!!" "But my dad's here" ... Asking for preferential treatment because your dad's watching in the crowd is the worst. The absolute worst. Moral of the story: If at first you don't succeed, bitch a while, maybe it'll help.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.