10 Most Heel Things John Cena Ever Did As A 'BabyFace'
8. Dropped Poo on AJ and Ziggler
WWE have a long and illustrious history of babyfaces being total d**ks by dropping liquids on people. The Undertaker rained blood on Mr Kennedy, DX slimed the Spirit Squad, but, when thinking about the worst substance to land on you from a great height, what's worse than actual s**t? Well, boiling oil I guess, or bricks, but shut up. John Cena was feuding with the perennial also-ran of WWE, Dolph Ziggler in late 2012. AJ had recently turned heel, double-crossed John and allied herself with Dolph. Cena, furious at being treated exactly how he had treated Zack Ryder, decided that revenge is a dish best served with huge turd on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR2Jx5vAam8 First of all, where did Cena get all that poop? Did he have a whip round in the locker-room? How much of it is Big Show's? And second of all, faeces in one of the most infectious substances there is, even if it's not human. That's an swful thing to do to a person, and Cena dropped it on them, why? Because he lost a match? Poor form. Poor, smelly form. Moral of the story: Poop is lol.