10 Most Heel Things John Cena Ever Did As A 'BabyFace'

9. Cuckolded Ryder

The 'Embrace the Hate' storyline can be summed up in one word: wowireallyreallyhatethestupidcareerruiningembracethehatestoryline. Zack Ryder got over by himself, with no sod in WWE management helping him into the hearts and minds of the fans. With his YouTube show, Z! True Long Island Story, Ryder exposed his goofball charm on the world, his affable diary-of-sorts building an organic, grassroots, word-of-mouth fanbase that, circa-late 2011, his fans were audibly commandeering PPVs. Enter Cena. In the Embrace the Hate storyline, heel Kane tried (in vain) to get the leader of the Cenation to unleash his inner demon, strike him down with all of his hatred and his journey towards the dark side would be complete. His plan involved attacking Cena's "friend" Ryder. See, Zack had recently started dating Eve, become US Champion, and was on top of the world. Kane got to work, crippling him, giving him injuries that cost him his championship and left him in a wheelchair. But at least he had a companion, right? At least he still had that cherished spark of romance to light a candle of hope in the gulf of darkness. Enter Cena. Eve was being kidnapped by Kane when John Cena stepped in to save her. Eve then planted a kiss on John, who barely resisted at all, before all the way reciprocating. The camera panned right to see Zack watching them, heartbroken. WWE have never released anything as funny as this clip. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJRkj991qdo Look at the little box of chocolates. But we shouldn't laugh. Cena was diabolical here. He made out with his crippled pal's girlfriend, in front of him. He is Captain Bad Man. Moral of the story: Hos before wheelchair-bound bros.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.