10 Most Heel Things John Cena Ever Did As A 'BabyFace'

3. Clotheslines A Referee For Doing His Job

Now, it's understandable why Cena would be narked off during his match with Rob Van Dam at ECW One Night Stand 2006. After all, I'd be a little short-tempered too if an entire arena full of people had spent the last 15 minutes telling me to go f*** myself. But that doesn't excuse laying hands on a ref, a working man just trying to perform the duties assigned to him. Cena had RVD locked in the STF but refused to release it when Rob reached the ropes (a dick move by itself right there). The ref had to physically pull Cena off of Van Dam. After being (rightfully) berated, Cena shoved the ref who, provoked, shoved back. Cena then decked the poor man with a clothesline. https://youtu.be/odlPOAZzdW4?t=142 Cena cares not for your job title. Cena only cares for Cena. Moral of the story: Swing a fist for the working man.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.