10 Most Important WWE Power Couples Right Now

2. Nikki Bella & John Cena

Whereas Daniel Bryan's future may not always be clear, John Cena will always be featured in a top level position so long as he's with WWE. Thousands of wrestling fans - mainly adults - may despise the man, but it can't be overlooked just how hard he's willing to work for the WWE brand. The sheer amount of charity work the guy gets through is astounding. Of course, no amount of charity favours can mask in-ring shortcomings, and Cena has been coasting off the same stale routine for many years. His girlfriend, Nikki Bella, is herself a focal point of WWE programming, and seems to be set at the top of the Divas division for as long as she chooses. Make no mistake about it, John Cena and Nikki Bella are one of the most powerful couples in all of wrestling, and that doesn't look set to change any time in the near future.
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Lana Rusev
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.