10 Most Improved Wrestlers Of 2023

7. Trick Williams

Julia Hart most improved

Despite having trained with Combat Zone Wrestling, the real-life Matrick Belton had never had a single match before signing with WWE in February 2021. A first appearance on NXT TV followed in that October, but it was often an extremely rough first year or so in the Full Sail setting for Trick Williams.

Trick clearly had some semblance of charisma, but he was obviously extremely green upon first landing in NXT, with his in-ring game initially protected by tag team bouts or short singles matches. As for his mic work, while there was so much potential, Williams tripped over his words at times or felt like he was trying to say too much too quickly.

Across 2023, though, Trick Willy has become one of the most entertaining aspects of NXT, and one of the most improved performers in WWE and beyond. Some feared for Trick once he and Carmelo Hayes initially parted ways as week-to-week buddies, but Williams has grasped the opportunity of a singles run with both hands.

Yes, there's still work to be done before Trick is main roster-ready, but it's tough to argue that Williams isn't 'bout it, 'bout it. With so much improvement seen in the college football standout already, and with him having clearly demonstrated a willingness and aptitude to learn, Trick Williams has an immense upside as we now find ourselves with one eye on 2024.

Senior Writer
Senior Writer

Chatterer of stuff, writer of this, host of that, Wrexham AFC fan.