10 Most Improved WWE Wrestlers Of 2015

2. John Cena

Big Match John stopped saving his 'A game' for pay per views in 2015, and showed progression as a professional by allowing a number of talents to go over. It seems that the penny finally dropped for the leader of the Cenation this year. The birth of the 'John Cena U.S. Open Challenge' added another dimension to Cena's work. He brought 110% to the table each and every week and used the gauntlet to elevate a number of rising stars. The likes of Rusev, Kevin Owens and Cesaro all benefitted from five star matches with the now former United States Champion which took their respective careers up another peg or two. Heck, Owens - an unashamedly fat man (WWE's words, not mine) - even toppled the great SuperCena in his first main roster match. WTF! Cena's gimmick is the same as it's always been but the string of matches he took part in throughout the middle part of the year certainly made this 'Cena sucks' chanter respect him a hell of a lot more. At 38-years-of-age it remains to be seen how much longer he could keep the open challenge alive, but the longer he does the better.
Content Producer
Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.