10 Most Infamous Backstage Fights In Wrestling History

1. Bruiser Brody vs. Jose Gonzalez

Vince Mcmahon Nailz

While some of the other fights may have been damaging to the people involve, this one ended with the death of a wrestler and the tragic loss of a father and husband.

Bruiser Brody was one of the biggest stars in wrestling during the 1980s. However, he never spent an extended time in either NWA or the WWF because of his refusal to do jobs and his desire to call his own shots and act as his own agent. Brody built himself up as a brand and traveled the world playing a raving lunatic who had bloody brawls with the toughest of the tough.

In 1988, Brody was working in Puerto Rico for the WWC promotion and allegedly refused, once again, to do a job. Jose Gonzalez, who worked in the territory as Invader I, was a friend of the booker and decided to take matters into his own hands.

Before a match, Gonzalez called Brody into the showers for a discussion. Wrestlers who were in the locker room that night believe that Gonzalez was carrying a knife wrapped in a towel. A few minutes later, a loud groan was heard by the entire locker room and Tony Atlas ran into the shower to find Brody bleeding from his stomach and Gonzalez holding a knife.

Brody allegedly told Atlas to tell his wife and son that he loved them and he died shortly thereafter. Gonzalez claimed he acted in self-defense and, amazingly, the knife used in the stabbing went missing. Various problems with witness and subpoenas led to Gonzalez being acquitted of all charges and the Puerto Rican wrestling scene was never the same again.


Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.