10 Most Infamous Backstage Fights In Wrestling History

2. Arn Anderson vs. Sid Vicious

Vince Mcmahon Nailz

In September 1993, Sid Vicious had just returned to WCW after a main event run in the WWF and his ego had inflated quite a bit. While out at a bar in England, Sid ran his mouth about how he was the next world champion and that old guys like the Four Horsemen better get out of his way.

Arn Anderson was there in the bar and didn't take too kindly to Sid's words. Arn told Sid that he had never drawn a dime in his entire life and was nothing but a stiff in the ring. Heated words were exchanged and some beer bottles may have been thrown but both guys returned to the hotel.

For some reason, Sid couldn't let the incident go and he burst into Arn's hotel room while Anderson was sleeping and attacked Anderson in his head. The two fought around the hotel room and Sid managed to get hold of a pair of scissors. He brutally stabbed Anderson all over his body, inflicting 20 stab wounds and covering the hotel hallway in blood. Ric Flair said that the hallway looked like a murder scene because of all the blood.

2 Cold Scorpio finally stepped in and pulled Sid off of Anderson but the damage had been done. Both men spent the night in the hospital and were deported from the country. Sid was fired immediately and his planned victory over world champion Vader was also cancelled.


Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.