10 Most Infamous Backstage Fights In Wrestling History

6. Buff Bagwell vs. Hurricane Helms

Vince Mcmahon Nailz

Buff Bagwell was one of those guys who was born with million dollar genetics and a brain worth about 30 cents. Pushed time and time against because of his look and charisma, he never reached world title status but was a solid midcard guy for WCW. However, once WWE purchased WCW in 2001, Bagwell would set new precedents for immature behavior.

On one of his first shows for WWE, Bagwell actually had his mother call the office to tell them he was sick and wouldn't be making a show. That's right, he actually had his mommy call him off of work. Needless to say, Bagwell was on thin ice from the beginning. 

While working out for WWE officials, Buff Bagwell decided to be a jerk to Hurricane Helms and paid the price for it.

Bagwell stated that Helms would never be a star for WWE because he was short, didn't have enough muscle definition, and didn't look like he could win a real-life fight. According to Bagwell, he was all of those things and it was only a matter of time before he was on top of WWE.

Helms quickly tired of listening to Bagwell run his yap, so he fired a frozen bottle of water at Bagwell's skull, splitting his head open and sending Buff to the floor. Helms then jumped on Bagwell and beat him senseless until other wrestlers pulled him off.

In Bagwell's final WWE appearance, Bradshaw stiffed the crap out of him and powerbombed him on his head. When Bagwell said he had a bad neck, Bradshaw called him an extremely offensive word and powerbombed him again.


Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.