10 Most Infamous Backstage Fights In Wrestling History

3. Vince McMahon vs. Kevin Wacholz


Most of you younger fans have probably never heard of Kevin Wacholz. Heck, some of you longtime fans might have no idea who he is either but he played a pretty big role in McMahon's steroid trial, just not in the way he intended.

Wacholz was brought into the WWF in the early 1990s as Nailz, an ex-convict from Georgia who was mistreated in prison by the Big Bossman. He was release from jail and naturally came to the WWF to get his revenge on the former prison guard. The problem was that Nailz absolutely sucked in the ring and, outside of a feud with the Bossman, there was really nowhere for the character to go.

In any event, Wacholz was upset because his payoff from Summerslam 1992 was much lower than he thought he deserved, considering it was the largest crowd ever to watch a WWF event. To make matters worse, when Wacholz went to McMahon to complain, Vince reportedly blew him off like it was no big deal.

This sent Wacholz into a fury and he attacked Vince in his office, choking him until McMahon actually turned blue. In Bret Hart's book, he recalls hearing a loud crash as Wacholz sent McMahon to the floor and violently attacked him. Obviously,  Nailz was fired immediately and his planned feud with the Undertaker was immediately shelved.

Things got worse from there as McMahon and Wacholz engaged in a series of lawsuits against one another and the feud culminated with the McMahon steroid trial. Wacholz testified that McMahon had given him steroids on a number of occasions but came off as so petty that his testimony had the opposite effect. When he ended his testimony with "I hate Vince McMahon's guts." it was clear that Wacholz was out to get McMahon no matter what and the jury acquitted Vince of all charges.


Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.