10 Most Infuriating Stephanie McMahon Moments
6. 'Daniel Bryan Is A B+ Player'
Whether Stephanie would constantly refer to Bryan as a 'B+ player' for heat generation purposes, or because she honestly believed it, is debatable.
One thing is for sure - Bryan was damn sure never permitted to play by the rules Stephanie and Triple H played by - only the ones they laid down. If Bryan was merely a B+ player, then what did that say about the rest of the roster?
If WWE were so hell-bent on adding layers of reality to their programming, why couldn't they go the whole hog and have Bryan retort that Stephanie and Triple H had done such a poor job of creating A+ stars that fans had to do their work for them? That would have received a hell of a reaction, which, the last time I checked, was more or less the point.
Again, these questions are unanswerable. What's perhaps most irritating is that Stephanie's delivery is impeccable. It's a shame she doesn't use her powers for good.
In wrestling, you can never really be sure about the truth, but if WWE thought all along that Bryan was more than a B+ player, then why did they have to get dragged kicking and screaming into thrusting him into the main event of WrestleMania XXX?