10 Most Insane Demands Wrestlers Ever Made

10. KISS Demon's "Guaranteed Main Event"

Kiss Demon WCW

Despite the fact that pro wrestling has borrowed from rock 'n' roll for generations, it always sucks when rock bands play on wrestling television. Megadeth, Kid Rock, Motley Crüe, Chris Jericho's painful attempt at introducing Fozzy to WWE (they've improved since then, to say the least) and more have tanked.

Lord only knows why WCW thought it'd be a good idea to take things one step further after KISS played Nitro and debuted a wrestler based on Gene Simmons. The contract between KISS and WCW was a decent attempt at cross-promotion, but the fine print on the deal meant the new character would have to have at least one main event match in 1999-2000.

WCW's solution? Promote a mid card bout between the KISS Demon and The Wall at SuperBrawl 2000 and dub it a "Special Main Event". The clusterf*ck only lasted around four minutes, and ended in defeat for Dale Torborg (the man underneath the face paint). The character was hastily stripped of the KISS branding.

So much for that contractual clause.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.