10 Most Insane WWE Royal Rumble Spots Ever

8. Sabu's Memorable Exit (2007)

Sabu Kane
WWE Network

If fans listen to Bruce Prichard's podcast, they'll learn that ex-ECW madman Sabu was almost drafted in as a 'foreign menace' heel opponent for Lex Luger in 1993-1994. Later, he very nearly entered the Royal Rumble in 1996. Neither spot happened, but he eventually made his Rumble debut in 2007.

It lasted five minutes, and it ended in the most fitting fashion possible.

Sabu brought a table with him to the ring and conveniently positioned it right next to the apron. Right there and then, people must've known he or someone else was going through the thing, though they probably didn't guess it'd be via a Chokeslam from Kane. He slammed the ECW original off the ring apron, and Sabu pretty much landed on his neck.

Credit must go to the 'Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal' maniac for coming up with one of the most original ways to be eliminated from the Rumble ever. If you're gonna' go out, go out in style, they say. Sabu certainly followed that advice.

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